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Even if I make an injury claim, can I still receive workers’ compensation?

Yes, the two do not conflict but rather work better together. In order to start getting benefits straight away, you should execute your worker’s compensation claim as soon as possible. Your medical negligence claim could then include something that workers’ compensation does not cover.

Do I need to prove that I was put in danger by my employer on purpose?

The history of your employer’s violations will help you prove your case, especially if some of the violations were related to your injury.

Is there a time limit for filing?

After a PHILIP LAW FIRM, there are a number of factors that might determine how long people have to submit a claim for reimbursement, but in principle, you have three months from the date of something like the accident to do so.

After an accident, what information should I provide to my insurance company?

If you haven’t contacted a PHILIP LAW FIRM  construction accident lawyer yet, you should keep telling the insurance company as little as possible. You will be able to avoid appearing liable accidentally this way. Contact your lawyer as soon as possible.